DAO community enabling blockchain decentralization through node ownership and fractionalized pool shares. Learn more

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Nodeifi is a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) community focused on revolutionizing the crypto landscape. With roots dating back to 2013, Nodeifi has been at the forefront of blockchain technology, promoting decentralization and driving industry growth. The company serves both new and existing blockchain projects by offering services that support their development and expansion. Nodeifi's business model involves enabling investors and backers to own nodes or fractionalized pool shares in a variety of blockchain projects, thereby contributing to the decentralization of the blockchain ecosystem. The company also provides access to pre-IDO (Initial DEX Offering) token deals for new blockchain projects through its exclusive community, The Candy Shop. This private community is accessible via a limited application process, ensuring that only dedicated and serious investors are involved. Nodeifi generates revenue through membership fees and fractionalized node ownership, creating a sustainable business model that aligns with its mission to further the growth of the crypto industry.

Keywords: DAO, blockchain, decentralization, node ownership, fractionalized shares, crypto, pre-IDO, token deals, private community, blockchain projects.

Investments by NODEIFI
