

Provides environmental planning, investigation, site environmental management, and environmental consulting services. Learn more

Launch date
Market cap
Enterprise valuation
€7—11m (Dealroom.co estimates Mar 2007.)
Company register number 08254643
Hengoed Wales (HQ)
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Early VC
Total Funding€1.8m

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Enviro Gene - Giving consumers a greener alernative - the voice of a Greener UK Home Climate Alliance Climate Change Climate Steps To Take Pollution Pollution In The Uk Consumer Markets Lights Advertising And The Media n#makingunc cthemUK amagreenerdsa quis placeum Giving consumers a greener alernative Read On Enviro Gene on It is certainly not easy for the individual to do Saving the planet - MWL Print Currently UK emits some 160 million tonnes of carbon each year and has a commitment to reduce emissions by 20% by the year 2020. Tweet Enviro Gene - Giving consumers a greener alernative... Every consumer decision we make has an impact on the environment This is an ecological fact of life. Every time we go shopping, use public or private transport, or choose a place to live in our choices have an effect, for better or Worse, on the quality of the air we breathe and the water we drink - on the world we experience with our eyes and ears and noses: It is not always easy to see the connections, but we are getting better at recognizing them. Clearly, the paper we buy as Packaging and then throw away was once a tree, and the elect 'power that flows from the wall sockets comes from a -fossil fuel plant nuclear reactor, or hydros. We should also recognize that motor car owners must also share a part of the blame for Oil tanker disasters such as the Torrey Canyon. But we really need many things which ultimately influence our environment - We need shelter, food, leisure, and a generally satisfying standard of living. However; there are many things we= do not need. At present our whole society is based on a vicious circle of ever-increasing production and consumption, without questioning whether We are really any healthier or happier far it By seductive and clever online advertising and salesmanship we are constantly brainwashed to consume what the manufacturer wants us to, and not what we really need. Certainly the state of the environment is the clearest indication that some of our cherished values may be wrong. As the population has grown and as the consumption rate of each individual has increased, living in an industrial society like England has also meant traffic jams, foul air, crowded cities (and coasts), deteriorating public services, and mounting levels of noise, solid wastes, and pesticide residues. Achieving a high degree of freedom from material want has also meant a crescendo of environmental problems that in the long term threaten the supply of food and raw materials for everyone. ... Next page: Enviro Gene on It is certainly not easy for the individual to do It is certainly not easy for the individual to do It is certainly not easy for the individual to do much about these more far-reaching effects of our inflated consumption rate. What people can control, howe... This does not mean that the ideas are not valid This does not mean that the ideas are not valid for another time or place. They are intended to help you consider for yourself how to reduce your impact on the environment- and re-Sources wherever you may live. The more di... Also one of the best ways of persuading others is Also one of the best ways of persuading others is to practise it yourself. Experiment with and test your daily life for yourself take a... Copyright 2013 © immediacy.co.uk, better speeches, less nerves, longer applause | privacy | Cookies | Enviro Gene supports the Climate Alliance and Friends of the Eart, Why Get involved | FaceBook | LinkedIn | Thanks for your interest in helping out.

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