Ark Surgical

Ark Surgical

Facilitating laparoscopic surgery to benefit women undergoing the second most common gynecological procedures. Learn more

Launch date
Market cap
Enterprise valuation
CAD14m (Public information from Jan 2024)
Company register number 515679934
Nazareth North District (HQ)
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Valuation: $10.5m

Total FundingCAD5.9m

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Ark Surgical is an Israeli medical device company dedicated to enhancing the standard of care in healthcare globally. Founded by experienced medical device professionals and leading gynecologists, the company has developed the LapBox, a pioneering tissue containment removal system. The LapBox is designed to facilitate the safe and efficient removal of large tissue during laparoscopic surgeries, offering a minimally invasive alternative to traditional open abdominal surgeries, which carry higher risks. This product addresses the FDA's call for safer tissue removal methods, supporting both manual and power morcellation techniques.

Ark Surgical primarily serves gynecologic surgeons and their patients, providing a solution that ensures safety and simplicity in minimally invasive procedures. The company's business model revolves around the development, manufacturing, and distribution of innovative medical devices, with revenue generated through the sale of its flagship product, the LapBox.

Operating in the medical device market, Ark Surgical aims to empower surgeons with advanced tools that enhance surgical outcomes and patient safety. The company leverages its founders' extensive experience in clinical research, medical education, and the medical device industry to drive innovation and growth.

Keywords: tissue containment, laparoscopic surgery, minimally invasive, gynecologic surgery, medical device, FDA compliance, power morcellation, patient safety, surgical innovation, healthcare improvement.